Thursday, March 11, 2010

Now It’s Our Turn…….

In the Quran three pillars of civilization are mentioned as

  1. Knowledge
  2. Faith in Allah
  3. Love in Humanity

Our forefathers speared this message allover the world for the sake of Allah and humanity. They studied all the branches of knowledge, knowledge of god and human beginning, Knowledge about the world. They purify, they create and gave humanity new pair of lenses.

It gave birth to scientific revolution.
·        Ibn Al Haytham was the first scientist 1000 year ago and he created CAMRA “Arabic world CAMRAH”.
·        Al Khwarizami founded Algebra and its made possible to develop energy equation E=MC2 and he was the inventor of number ZERO
·        AL Jazari “The Father of Robotic” created crank and piston.
·        Ibn Sina “The Father of Modern Medicine”, his book Al Qanun Fit Tib was a textbook used in European Universities for 500 years.
·        Ibn Nafis described Pulmonary Circulation 800 years ago.
·        A Muslim woman Ijliya Al Astrulab developed astronomical device.
·        At Tusi was great astronomer that Copernicus only copy from him
·        Al Idrisi was the first man to construct Globe to prove that the earth is round.
·         Ibn Battuta was the Price of Travelers. He covered the distance of 117000 KM in 30 years.
·        Admiral Aheng was ranked the Chinas most adventures man.
·        Sinan built 477 structures more then any other architects of his time.

They have fulfilled their responsibility and
 It’s Our Turn…….